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Special challenge for the SUV car
Episodio 42: Séptimo circuito por la permanencia
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 47 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 46 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 45 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 44 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 43 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 42 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 41 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 40 Trailer
Challenge 40: The athletes compete on the Mine parkour for the Villa
Challenge 41: Which team will return to the Money Wall?
Episode 41: Relay Circuit for the Money Wall
Exatlón Estados Unidos I Episode 42 Trailer
Get active with the exercise routine of Nicole and El Venado
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: Mack Roesch says what he would do with 200.000 dollars
Aridt Flores feels sad about being injured
Episode 40: The Mine parkour for the Villa
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: Who is better, Kelvin or Tavo?
The Non-Famous Team is very happy for having won the family visit
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: The Non-Famous Team have fun with an improvised parkour
Episode 39: Battle for the family visit
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: The Famous Team is devastated with their mistakes and the defeat
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: The Non-Famous criticize Nicole Regnier
Exatlón Estados Unidos I Episode 41 Trailer
Challenge 39: Battle for the family visit
Survival Kit: Shaila Pérez would like to have a “molcajete”
Episode 2: The athletes battle for the new Money Wall
Episode 4: The Famous Team wants the Villa
The Non-Famous call their loved ones in honour of Palafox
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: Venado is proud of his first medal
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: Dilan Coronado chooses a bed at the Cabin