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Challenge 47: Epic battle for the Villa
Episode 47: Epic battle for the Villa
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 47 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 46 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 45 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 44 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 43 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 42 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 41 Trailer
Exatlon Estados Unidos | Episode 40 Trailer
Mack feels more latino than ever
Exatlón Estados Unidos I Episode 47 Trailer
Challenge 46: Will the Non-Famous Team go back to the Money Wall?
Episode 46: Fierce competition for the Money Wall
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: Alexander feels embarrased for failing and opens up to Venado
This is how the Famous Team enjoyed the Marc Anthony concert
Exaball came back to offer a special benefit
See how the Non-Famous Team relaxed at their special benefit
Valerie takes advantage of how the Blue Team sees her weak
Exatlón Estados Unidos I Episode 46 Trailer
Challenge 45: The winners will go to the Marc Anthony concert
Special challenge for a spa benefit
Episode 45: Battle for the luxurious benefit and the grand concert
SURVIVAL KIT: What Génesis Veliz missed the most on Exatlón
SURVIVAL KIT: Valerie wants a coffee maker for her Cuban coffee
Check out the injury report of the week
Exatlón Estados Unidos I Episode 45 Trailer
Challenge 44: The Famous Team wants to keep the Villa
Dilan Coronado confesses who is his favorite on Exatlón and some other curiousities
This is how the Non-Famous Team’s dinner with their loved ones went
WHAT WAS UNSEEN: The Famous Team celebrates Abe’s progress and Nicole’s golden ingot
See how Jay proposed to his girlfriend Diana